Category: Mind

Focus Your Happiness Lens

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8 I have written before about happiness being a choice, and…

By Deby Jizi March 5, 2019 Off

Believe in the Beauty of Dreams

Little children come into this world with big dreams. They believe in themselves and are so sure they can achieve anything they can dream. Then adults enter the picture and start telling them to be realistic. A child wants to be president, or an astronaut, or a billionaire. Then someone looks them in their innocent,…

By Deby Jizi January 31, 2019 Off

Happiness is a Choice

When I am caught in a downward spiral of negative thinking, the concept that happiness is a choice sounds like fiction to me. Fortunately, I have not gotten too far down the rabbit hole lately before I recognize what is happening, so that I can turn things around, but there were times in my life…

By Deby Jizi January 25, 2019 Off

Marie Kondo is Teaching Us How to Love

Marie Kondo doesn’t want us to clear our houses of all our belongings. She wants us to let go of the belongings that we don’t really love. Being attached to possessions that have long surpassed their purpose leads to clutter, both physically and psychologically. By going methodically through our homes and testing each item for…

By Deby Jizi January 22, 2019 Off

28 Days of Gratitude-Day 2

I’ve tried writing gratitude lists in the past, and I was not successful with them. I think I know why. I was not feeling gratitude for certain items I was adding to the list. I was just rotely listing. I thought I was grateful, but much of the time I was not attaching the feeling…

By Deby Jizi January 17, 2019 Off

28 Days of Gratitude

In the past few weeks, I have been focusing a lot on gratitude. My own gratitude, or lack of it, that is. Now I am ready to begin a new habit of being grateful for absolutely everything in my life. I remember the year my mother died. Firstly, because I loved her so much, and…

By Deby Jizi January 16, 2019 Off

Three Good Things

Three good things. That’s it. All you have to do is scan your day each evening and find them, write them down, and complete this short exercise to experience the positive benefits. When it comes to rewiring our brains, we have to take action. However, it is best to think of small, daily exercises, that…

By Deby Jizi January 3, 2019 Off

Manifesto to Change

You can Change. You can be Happy. You can get Healthier. You can enjoy and even Love your Life. But it won’t just happen to you. You have to ACT. There is no recipe or set program for you to change your life. You won’t do it by travelling the world and looking for it.…

By Deby Jizi January 2, 2019 Off

The Richest Man in the World

It was a dark, two bed, two bath apartment with outdated carpet and a kitchen with no counter space. My husband and I filled it with second-hand furniture, a dinette table with four chairs and a pull-out sofa. A makeshift table constructed from an old crate served as a coffee table when we had company.…

By Deby Jizi December 22, 2018 Off