About debyjizi.com

About debyjizi.com

“Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life.” — Marcus Aurelius

This website has gone through several iterations. It began as a place to share my experiences with a whole food plant-based lifestyle, and that is still an important part of my journey and the website.

I am concerned about the health of our planet and of the people who inhabit it. We are in a crisis moment both physically and environmentally. The poor health of our children does concern me greatly. Also, as a high school English teacher, I have students who have lost parents to heart disease and strokes. These are relatively young adults who are leaving children without a much-needed parent, and they are doing it unwittingly. The so-called “health care system” is not teaching them how to be healthy. I think we need more voices out there telling people the truth about our food. That is why I am here, and that is the purpose of my website.

Writing is a great mindfulness practice for me because it gives me the opportunity to reflect on what I have said, and to choose mindfully what I am going to focus on in my life. I know there are many beautiful and inspiring elements to life, but it is easy to get sidetracked by bad news and negativity. By making this website about my journey, I feel free to write about anything that has helped me navigate my unique path.

I am not going to talk about myself in the third person. I don’t have a brand. I am not going to sell you anything or push anything on you. I might have my book(s) available if you choose to get them, but it is up to you. My only agenda is to use this platform to be as honest with myself and others as I learn how to live healthily and spread the word so that others can do the same. 


Photo by Thomas Le on Unsplash