This Post Could Save Your Life

This Post Could Save Your Life

October 1, 2018 Off By Deby Jizi

”Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

―  Hippocrates

Too dramatic? I don’t think so. In fact, what stands between many people and their next heart attack or chronic disease is information. The problem is that we think we know everything we need to know, or we just don’t want to know because we believe that ignorance is bliss.
We don’t know everything, and ignorance isn’t bliss.

But this post is meant to give you hope, not to scare you. It is an urgent call to action, but once you learn a few things, you will be on a fantastic journey. This information is free, and I don’t want anything from you. I just want to spread the news about food, information I wish my mother would have had before her death 15 years ago.

The number one killer of both women and men in the US is heart disease. One in four people will die from it.  Although most Americans fear cancer, heart disease takes the most lives. The sad part is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Heart disease for the majority of people is a lifestyle disease. Change your lifestyle, and you can prevent and even reverse the disease.

You are probably reading this and thinking, “Not another blog about diet!” I understand your frustration. Food is personal, cultural, and the information swirling through the media is so conflicting and confusing. However, I can make a guarantee. If you change your diet, you will change your life in so many remarkable ways. You will turn back the clock. You will get rid of that spare tire or extra padding on your hips. Most of all, you will get your health and your energy back.

The truth is if you change your diet to a whole foods plant based lifestyle, you will see results that will convince you to keep going. Within a week you will feel better. Within  a month you will look better. As time goes on you will get healthier and healthier and feel better and better.

Food affects our lives in so many ways. We might like the taste of that chocolate cake, but there will be payday for eating it. We may have a sugar high and then a low, we may feel bloated, and of course, there is always the “Once past the lips, forever on the hips” problem.

You don’t have to give up eating chocolate. You just have to find new recipes that will satisfy the cravings without any of the drawbacks. Here is a link to one of my favorites. In fact, there are so many delicious foods you can try that you would never think are healthy for you.

Follow the links in this post, and make a change that will transform your life. That is not an exaggeration. I started my own journey just over two years ago, and I went from overweight bordering on obese to losing 35 pounds. The picture on the right was taken 10 months after I started this new lifestyle. 

Most of all, I have lots of energy, and I am constantly looking for ways to be even healthier. Life is good, my moods are great, and I feel like I am among the living again.

Click here for some videos to get you started.

Here are some books and films. 

Here is a blog about getting started on your WFPB Journey.


Peace and Joy,


Photo by Khamkhor on Unsplash