Manifesto to Change

Manifesto to Change

January 2, 2019 Off By Deby Jizi

You can Change.

You can be Happy.

You can get Healthier.

You can enjoy and even Love your Life.

But it won’t just happen to you.

You have to ACT.

There is no recipe or set program for you to change your life.

You won’t do it by travelling the world and looking for it.

No pilgrimage

No retreat

No fancy vacation

Will bring you to it.

In fact,

The more you look outside of yourself for it

The more lost you will be.

You won’t find it in an expensive house or car.

It won’t rub off on you from rich or famous people.

What you need to see

Is right in front of you.

But depending upon how far

You are from seeing this

Will be like something between a foggy windshield

Or one covered in thick mud.

Your job is to clean that windshield.

In this case, the windshield is your mind

Because your mind houses all of your thoughts,

And some of them need to be evicted.


You’ll need to recruit new tenants.

Positive, kind, compassionate, and loving ones.

If that sounds too cheesy to you,

That’s your deadbeat tenant yakking away.

Those cynics, naysayers, and negative Nancys

They’ve gotta go!

That is if you want to live a




Full of wonderful relationships and experiences.

Those nasty tenants keep sucking all the joy out of your day!

But they feel familiar….more like friends than the imposters you are trying to avoid.

Trust me, those guys are NOT your friends.

Have you ever heard the saying, “You are who your friends are?”

Well, those hooligans have changed you into the person you are today.

No matter what you try to do to change, they will sabotage you every step of the way.

Don’t believe me?

Try to start exercising, losing weight, any new healthful and positive change….

That will awaken your obnoxious tenants from their drunken slumber.

Soon you will hit a wall on your road to change, and those tenants will be there to remind you why you’ve never succeeded before, or if you did, why it didn’t stick.

So, yeah, if you want to change, you’ve got to give those squatters their packing orders.

They will not go quietly.

In fact, they are going to get so boisterous and abusive that you’ll want to chuck it all and go back to your old self.

You may even forget why you wanted to change in the first place.

“Change is overrated!”, you’ll say.

The secret is to invite new tenants in and ask them to bring their in-laws, aunts, uncles, first and second cousins. You’ve got to crowd out those old losers.

The new kids on the block are there to remind you that there is no one in the world just like you. When you start going down the sinkhole of negativity, they will pull you up, dust you off, and fill you with positivity.

When the old tenants get in your face, you’ll introduce them to your new posse.

It might seem strange at first.

Correct that, it will seem strange at first.


Over time, you’ll wonder why you hung onto those flunkies for so long.

When someone you know brings them up, because their living in their world now,

You’ll shake your head and say,

“Don’t believe those guys! They’re tricksters!”

Then one day, after what might seem like a while, depending on whether your metaphorical windshield was foggy or thick with swamp mud, you’ll realize…

You’re happier!

The new tenants in your mind are

Kind, caring, and compassionate..

And so are you.

You will be happier and successful, in whatever way you define success.

Life will be sweeter.

You’re still you, but you’ve removed the obstacles that kept you from being truly you.

You’re home.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash