Category: Mind

The Pursuit of Happiness…Uh Well-Being

Pursuing happiness seems like a wonderful thing to do. It is even included in the U.S. Constitution. However, like many pursuits, we can end up chasing happiness all our lives and never actually achieve it.  That is because happiness is not one single thing.  If I want to be happy, I have to define what…

By Deby Jizi August 12, 2017 Off

If Not Now, When? If Not Me, Who?

“One hot summer afternoon the monastery cook, an elderly monk, was spreading mushrooms on a mat to dry in the sun. A young monk saw him and asked, ‘Why is an old man like you doing such hard work in the heat of the day?’ The old monk replied, ‘If not me, who? If not…

By Deby Jizi August 1, 2017 Off

There is a Science to Happiness

  At the end of the holidays, sometimes it is easy to feel low. My daughter, Bliss,  and I took down the Christmas tree today, and as always, we were both a bit sad that our favorite holiday is behind us for another year. Some people feel sad all through the holidays. Loved ones may…

By Deby Jizi January 2, 2017 Off