Forks Over Knives Turns 10!

Forks Over Knives Turns 10!

May 8, 2021 Off By Deby Jizi

The documentary Forks Over Knives is having a birthday. Ten years ago the film was released, and it caused a ripple effect of change in many people’s lives. A Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet was known to only a few, but the power of story that the film delivered touched many, and today we celebrate this way of eating as the only scientifically proven diet that can prevent and reverse heart disease and diabetes. Also, there are many testimonials by those following the film’s advice of the reversal of many chronic diseases, including auto-immune disorders. The research is sure to follow. 

Heart disease, cancer, and type II diabetes are among the top lifestyle-related diseases that continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people a year in the United States. Thanks to the work of pioneers such as Caldwell Esselstyn, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Dean Ornish, and others, the research is clear. Eat plants and regain your health. Specifically, eat whole plant foods. 

I saw the movie in a theatre with my then 10-year-old daughter, who at the time found it to be a bit too long for her taste. However, in the ensuing 10 years, we have both adopted the diet, shedding many unwanted pounds, and are thriving.  I am not alone in celebrating this film. Many people around the world are celebrating this anniversary with healthier lives, lives they may not have enjoyed if they had not seen it and heeded its advice. 

Do yourself a favor. Set aside a few hours and watch this film. Let it change your life, too. Health is our birthright. We just need to get back to eating and living in ways that foster health. Click on this link, and it will take you to the Forks Over Knives (FOK) webpage where you can stream the documentary for free. There are other platforms featuring the film listed on the FOK page. 

Today could be the beginning of your exciting journey to health!

Won’t you join us?
