Tag: Kamal Ravikant

The First Step to Loving Yourself

A while back, I wrote an article that has gotten some traffic on Medium titled, I Healed My Depression When I Stopped Hating Myself.  While I feel that everything I wrote in that article is true, especially that I no longer suffer from depression, I am not sure that I communicated that learning to “not…

By Deby Jizi October 11, 2020 Off

I Love Myself

Does this sound egotistical? Can you say this about yourself? Would you believe that saying this one phrase as a personal mantra can be life-altering in the most positive way? It is true. Affirming our own self-love can have wonderful results. While most of us have no problem listing our shortcomings, focusing on what we…

By Deby Jizi April 8, 2019 Off