10 Radical Steps to Prevent and Reverse Cancer

10 Radical Steps to Prevent and Reverse Cancer

July 2, 2021 Off By Deby Jizi

There is good news for cancer patients and for those of us who want to prevent a cancer diagnosis. A cancer diagnosis is often frightening. Even though some cancers, if caught early, have high survival rates, current treatments require patients to undergo painful procedures with nasty side effects.  

Almost 2 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and over six hundred thousand will die of the disease. Currently, four in ten Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and cancer rates are rising. However, not all of the news is bad news. There are people who have taken “radical” control of their health and have beaten the odds.   

After reading Radical Remission, and looking at all of the lifestyle factors, it occurred to me that these are steps all of us can take to be healthy. They are health embodied. Just as modern psychology at the turn of the century began researching psychologically healthy people to find the common factors they shared, modern medicine needs to look at those who have beaten the odds around cancer and other chronic diseases to find the common factors in overall health. 

This did happen in an almost accidental way, from often chronically ill patients who were written off as hopeless cases, but who for unknown reasons, until recently, bounced back and were found to be free of disease. This evidence would have been lost in the medical archives if Kelly Turner, in her desire to help oncology patients dying of cancer, and her curiosity about the thousands of “spontaneous remission” cancer cases that were filed away with no one attempting to see if they offered clues and information that could help the 1.8 million individuals in the United States alone facing a cancer diagnosis every year.

These ten steps are all health-promoting actions that anyone can take to live a healthier life. It is time to face modern healthcare’s neglect of a healthy lifestyle and its effects on optimum health. Here are the ten steps that all of the radical remission survivors took: 

  1. Radically change your diet. 
  2. Take control of your health. 
  3. Follow your intuition. 
  4. Use herbs and supplements
  5. Release suppressed emotions
  6. Increasing positive emotions
  7. Embrace social support
  8. Deepen your spiritual connection
  9. Have strong reasons for living
  10. Exercise (Added in Radical Hope)*

*Number ten on the list was added after a review of the data:

“… in reviewing our archive of radical remission cases, it has become clear that radical remission survivors make moderate to intense exercise a lifelong habit whenever they are physically able.”

Turner, Kelly A. . Radical Hope (p. xv). Hay House. Kindle Edition. 

These steps all used together have led to what in medicine is referred to as spontaneous remission; many followers of these steps have celebrated the news of NED or No Evidence of Disease. 

Though the patients followed all of the ten steps listed above, diet was central to their approach to healing. The patients in Radical Remission made “radical changes” to their diets, and while not all of the diets were the same, Dr. Turner reported,

“The majority of the people I study all tend to make the same four dietary changes. They are: 

1. greatly reducing or eliminating sugar, meat, dairy, and refined foods

2.  greatly increasing vegetable and fruit intake

3. eating organic foods, and

4. drinking filtered water.”

Turner Ph.D., Kelly A.. Radical Remission (p. 14). HarperOne. Kindle Edition

There is something we can do to prevent cancer. There is, also, something we can do if we are diagnosed with cancer. Knowing that we have much more control over the outcome and that powerful and “radical” changes can lead to a return to health is the first step in the process of healing. 

For more information read Radical Remission by Kelly Turner Ph.D. 

Photo by Tibor Pápai on Unsplash